Monday, April 14, 2008

Amir's ignorance of Hasaan

Through the next few chapters we see the acceptance of Amir to Baba after winning the kite tournament. Ironically after the two feel a connection, Amir breaks his relations with Hasaan. After being a coward and not helping Hasaan with Assef in the alleyway, Amir asks Hasaan to join him to the cemetary by the pomegranate tree. Amir chucks these fruits at Hasaan and asks him

"What would you do if I hit you with this?" (92)

Amir provokes Hasaan and wants him to throw the fruits back at him when Amir would throw the pomegranates at him. Amir then calls him a "coward" for not responding violently.

After all that Hasaan has done for Amir such as bringing him the blue kite and sacrificing himself to get raped in order to keep the kite, why does Amir continue to ignore and abuse Hasaan?

Why do you think Amir finds comfort with Baba now that Hasaan and him are no longer companions?

What could be the reason that Rahim Khan looked at Amir in an odd way unlike Baba and the rest of the people in the van who congratulated Amir for winning the kite tournament?

1 comment:

Adam Rosatti said...

1. Because Hasaan is just a servant in Amir's eyes. Amir relates to Hasaan as a Hazaara just like Assef and the rest of the outer community. He is not capable of doing good for the people who work for him and have dedicated most of their life for him and Baba.

2. Amir finds comfort with Baba because of his acceptance of him. This is because he won the tournament and in Baba's eyes is one of the greatest feats of his childhood. Amir was always looking for acceptance with Baba but it is not until now that he is able to make the connection. Although he feels guilty about Hasaan, he would rather be close to his father than a hazaara even if he sacrificed for him.

3. Rahim Khan didn't think it's that great to win the tournament, he is more proud of Amir's writings and scholastic ability. For some reason it seems as though Rahim Khan can see that Amir just did it for acceptance. We also see later at the party that Rahim knows that there is a secret Amir is holding back when he tells him that he can tell him anything he wants.